Filey Bird Observatory and Group

Filey Bird Observatory & Group (FBOG) aims include the recording and studying of Filey’s birds, and protecting and enhancing local habitats for wildlife (including ownership and management of several nature reserves). Their work is entirely voluntary and reliant on our membership and their generosity. Members receive a range of benefits, as well as regular newsletters, the annual report, and the satisfaction of helping the study and protection of local wildlife.

Mark teaching the next generation
YCN Guide Mark Pearson worked for seven years in a voluntary role as the Communications Officer for FBOG. During that time he more than doubled the membership and did a great job promoting the area locally and nationally. To read more about his story CLICK HERE. Mark also co-ordinated and wrote for the superb FBOG annual report.
Wold Ecology Senior Ecologist Dan Lombard is the Bird Ringer in charge at the Observatory. Dan spends many hours dedicated to conservation and bird ringing in the Observatory area.
To lean more about Filey Bird Observatory and join CLICK HERE
Bird Observatories
A bird observatory is a place which conducts long-term monitoring of bird populations and migration. Individual observatories are located at prime migration points where a daily census is taken in a defined recording area. An integral part of observatory work is bird ringing, undertaken within the national British scheme coordinated by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). This provides data for guiding conservation policies. The Observatories encourage volunteers to participate in scientific studies of birds and the environment. The results of these studies and more general information are made freely available to researchers and to the public who are welcome to visit. To learn more about national Observatories CLICK HERE