Frequently Asked Questions
Which payment method should I use for my order/booking?
You can pay for short (2 hour) walks on the day in cash. For other events, tours and workshops and for buying products from our shop, Paypal is our default payment method. It is safe, as well as quick and easy for you as you don’t have the bother of entering your credit or debit card details, name and address on our website. If you don't have a Paypal account it doesn't matter, you can still pay as a Paypal guest by entering your card details on our secure website page. There is no extra charge when you make a Paypal payment, and you are covered by Paypal's protection scheme.
We strongly advise, however, that you do not send us your card details by e-mail.
We also accept cheques, but be aware that not only will your cheque take a few days to reach us in the post, but your payment will not be recognised as completed until the cheque has cleared, which will take several more working days. Please take this into consideration when sending your cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Yorkshire Coast Nature RB Limited.
Please do not send us cash in the post.
Do your prices include VAT and postage and packing?
Our prices include VAT on items or services where this is applicable. Because postage charges are frequently changing, however, we charge for these separately on items in our shop. Rates on Walking Packs and Postcards within the UK are:
£0.99 on orders of £00.01 - £05.00
£1.99 on orders of £05.01 - £15.00
£3.99 on orders of £15.01 - £25.00
£4.99 on orders of £25.01 - £35.00
£5.99 on orders of £35.01 and over
For Presentation Maps, see note on individual page.
The postage charge on your order will be clearly displayed before you make your payment. Items will normally be sent 1st class but 2nd class may sometimes be used according to the size and weight of the order.
How much is postage and packing to addresses outside the UK?
If you would like products to be sent abroad, please contact us for a p&p charge before ordering. The charge will vary according to the size, weight and destination of the order.
I have a query about a particular accommodation listed on your website.
Please contact the accommodation provider on their own phone number or individual website with any queries.
Do you have a smoking policy?
The majority of YCN clients are non-smokers. In order that they can enjoy their workshop, event or tour in comfort, we insist that smokers refrain from smoking in the proximity of all other group members, and while watching wildlife, at all times. Smoking indoors in any public space – e.g. lecture room – is illegal, while smoking in any confined space – e.g. at any other group gathering or in a vehicle – cannot be permitted. Additionally, YCN implements a policy of eco-tourism and requests that smokers dispose of used cigarette ends, which contain non-biodegradable material, responsibly. In booking a workshop, event or tour you agree to accept these guidelines, and it is the right of all our tour leaders to dismiss from a workshop, event or tour any participant failing to respect them.