Guardian Review October 2017
It could have been Mexico’: the joy of whale-watching in Yorkshire
was the headline. Guardian journalist Kevin Rushby was clearly having a great time!
"It may not be known for it, but England’s north-eastern coast offers marine experiences than can compete with those in far more exotic locations
"We went in late September, accompanied by wildlife guide Richard Baines.
The advantage of having Baines around was becoming clear: the man is a bird-identification demon. Nothing escaped his eye: great skua, arctic skua, long-tailed skua, manx shearwater, razorbill. For Baxter, though, the birds had added value. “They will lead us to the whales. If there’s a ball of herring, it attracts the birds.”
To read the full article online Click Here

Minke Whale from our seabird and whale boat trip 2019 © Richard Baines