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2023 Birding And Wildlife Photography - Autumn Migration

September 12th - 14th 2023

2023 Birding And Wildlife Photography - Autumn Migration

September 12th - 14th 2023

Based at Highfield Farm, this 2.5-day tour focuses on the wonderful diversity of bird species in East and North Yorkshire. Over 100 species of bird are possible.

Autumn migration brings thousands of birds to our coastine from Europe, Siberia and even further! August is the first month things start hotting up with waders increasing in numbers. Many birds such as Grey Plover and Black-tailed Godwit still in their beautiful summer plumage. Seabirds are on the move with Manx Shearwater and Arctic Skua sometimes joined by rarer birds such as the enigmatic Fea's Petrel

The scenic East and North Yorkshire coast is also one of the best in the country for scarce songbirds. On our autumn trips we have a fairly good chance of seeing birds such as Barred WarblerRed-backed Shrike and Yellow-browed Warbler. On the 2014 tour a rare Masked Shrike was seen at Spurn. Another fantastic day at Spurn in 2013 starred an amazing Great Snipe, while in 2012 the YCN birding tour found an Arctic Warbler at Flamborough!

October sees the arrival of our wonderful winter thrushes Redwing and Fieldfare this is also a great month for Short-eared Owls and occasionally Long-eared Owl. On the cliff top fields Snow Bunting and Lapland Bunting can often be found. Rare birds later in the autumn include the siberian sprite Pallas's Warbler.  

YCN expert guide/s will work hard to ensure you have memorable experiences. Our small group tours ensure you learn a great deal, from identification tips to field craft advice, as well as getting to grips with those difficult-to-find species. If you are interested in nature photography, there will be plenty of opportunities to learn new skills or improve your technique from our experienced and enthusiastic photographers. 

Accommodation and meals are provided by Wold Escapes based at Highfield Farm, Nr Driffield, East Yorkshire, renowned for its delicious home-cooked food. 

Dates: September 12th - 14th 2023

Level: Beginners and intermediate

Places: Up to 8

Leaders: Richard Baines and Steve Race 

Price: £435.00/person.  

What’s included: Full board for the 2.5 day tour with two nights' accommodation, transport and guiding. A tour itinerary can be downloaded at the link to the left.

To Book: Please use the booking facility below, complete the booking form and we will then get in touch with you to finalise the booking. Any queries please give YCN a call on 07747753260.

Queries: Contact Yorkshire Coast Nature.

2023 Birding And Wildlife Photography - Autumn Migration

Steve Race

Company Director And Pro Wildlife Photographer/Wildlife Guide

Awards:  2013 - “Commended” in the “Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards”. 2013 - “Commended” in the “Big Picture USA – Natural World Photography Competition”. 2013 - “Commended” in/tutors/1/steve-race

2023 Birding And Wildlife Photography - Autumn Migration

Richard Baines PGdip MCIEEM

Company Director And Birding/Wildlife Guide

Richard’s love of birds and wildlife started at age nine when he watched wide eyed as a charm of European Goldfinch fed on a thistle within a few feet of him in the grounds of his primary school. The next day he was busy drawing the flock in his art class./tutors/2/richard-baines-pgdip-mcieem

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