November 2022
All the latest wildlife, photography news and blogs with exclusive photos and video
A Caribbean Birding Adventure Part I - St Lucia
Five years ago, I had never heard of the Lesser Antilles, then our friend Ryan Chenery told us about his new birding company Birding the Islands.
A Caribbean Birding Adventure Part II - Dominica
Like the crazy birder I am, I was glued to the outside deck on the ferry, convinced I would see something special. I did;
Tarifa Raptor Migration Spectacular August 2022 Part II
White Storks are iconic birds and the centre of many stories of migration. Its wonderful to see them gathering in fields and feasting on invertebrates prior to leaving their breeding grounds but...
What a brilliant trip! The Magic of Spurn Autumn 2022
Our two Spurn Birding autumn weeks 2022 have been a roaring success full of birds and wonderful guests.