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Snakes on a Plate

Wed 12th Feb, 2025

Daniel Lombard our YCN ecologist gives a fascinating insight into these incredible animals. Adders along with Common Lizards emerge from hibernation relatively early during the spring, and subsequently are experts at thermoregulation, absorbing every last bit of the suns warmth on mild spring days. On our YCN tours we often encounter individuals which almost flatten their entire body to maximise its surface area for heat absorption.

Early spring is a good time to look for males which emerge several weeks earlier than the females; they do this to help increase sperm production a process which requires heat from the sun. At this time of year they can be localised and tend not to venture far from their hibernation sites.

Usually by mid-April these males will slough (shed their skin) and a quite stunning beast will emerge changing from a drab brown/grey to a beautiful silver, with iridescence, a blood red eye and a jet black zigzag along its back. These males will then go one the hunt for the plump brown females which by this time have started to emerge from hibernation themselves.

The female leaves a pheromone trail as she moves around, attracting males which follow her and attempt to mate. Sometimes two males will attempt to mate with a female at the same time, which leads to a fantastic dance between the two male snakes. Amazingly all this occurs from the fat reserves that the Adder put on the previous autumn prior to hibernation.

With spring quickly approaching we are preparing our North York Moors National Park Safari’s. Along with a further 9 species of amphibian and reptile found within the region, we offer an excellent opportunity to get fantastic views of these secretive serpents. Our tours offer an insight into their ecology, biology, when best to see them and how to get the best from your adder photography. So why not kick start 2014 with an amazing wildlife experience and join us on one of our National Park Safaris or design your own Adder tour!